Hosted texting is adding texting to your current business number. You don’t have to change your long established phone number and you don’t have to use your personal cell number anymore to send and receive texts! It’s brilliant and businesses are finally receiving the message that customers actually prefer to text…about everything! Employees love it too!
Customers will be able to use their preferred method to communicate and text your landline. In fact, they probably already are trying to text you, and you don’t even know it! By adding texting to your business line today you will receive those texts that are floating around waiting for a response. It’s affordable. It’s convenient. And, it’s the cutting edge to reach out to old and find new customers.
How does hosted texting work?
Every phone number has 2 parts – Voice and Texting. Texting is also called SMS (short message service).
Obviously, all phone numbers use the voice part, but few use the SMS portion. Less than half of all businesses have texting services added to their numbers. That number is changing daily as more and more businesses realize the potential of this powerful communication tool. Your competitors may already have texting.
A provider like Pigeon SMS can enable your business number so its texts can be routed to the Pigeon SMS Dashboard. This dashboard is an app available on any device with a web browser.
We call it “hosted texting” because Pigeon is “hosting” the SMS portion of your phone number.
Nothing changes to you number’s voice services. There is no interruption in service! You still will be able to answer when people call. You’ve just added texting to your landline.
Where do the texts go? How do I respond?

Texts will show up inthe Pigeon SMS dashboard. This app is available on any device with a web browser! With our app you can quickly and easily respond and customers will receive their response on their own handheld device. It’s easy, quick and convenient. We also offer the ability to forward text messages into your existing email workflow.
On top of back and forth texting with your customers, we offer a wide range of features including scheduled messages, groups, keywords, auto responders, integrations, and more. The uses for our texting application is limitless!
Texting is the preferred method of communication. Be your customers preferred business by adding texting to your business line today. What are you waiting for?